Enthuses Inclusion and Unity

by Raven Howell


Recently, with a fabulous opportunity to linger in the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, I thoroughly enjoyed traveling through “Asians, Everyday, A Virtual Picture Book Exhibition” curated by Grace Lin. True to Grace Lin’s intentions, every book, author, and artwork showcases real stories of Asians who share the common thread of humanity. When I spotted Eyes that Kiss in the Corners, the picture book written by relative newcomer Joanna Ho and
illustrated by Dung Ho, my own eyes lit up as a smile curled my lips. What a joy! Be forewarned, Joanna and Dung’s children’s book echoes in the heart long after the first read or two. It sings of warmth, kindness, family, love, acceptance, the dance of life, and that “common thread” among all of us.

Eyes that Kiss in the Corners is topping the book charts, a bestseller. A dream come true? Joanna insists, “It’s both exciting and surreal! I don’t know anything other than releasing a book during a pandemic, so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but it doesn’t feel real in part because everything lives online for me. I haven’t had the opportunity yet to do any in-person events or celebrations. Haven’t been able to meet readers or booksellers or teachers in person. Everything I see happens on email or on social media, so it feels like it’s this wonderful thing happening to someone else. My day-to-day life hasn’t changed much! That said, I’m so incredibly grateful for all the support. I can’t believe so many people have seen or read Eyes that Kiss in the Corners!”

Although these days Joanna chases both her own children around the house as well as some high school students (she’s a vice principal of a California school), the concept and first draft of her book originated when she was pregnant with her daughter. “I’m happiest when I’m with my kids. They truly bring me so much joy and have been my light throughout this challenging year. It doesn’t really matter what we do together, I love being with them. I love being outdoors on adventures and exploring new places. I also love sitting in bed writing or reading good books. Oh, also eating good food. There are so many things that bring me joy.”

Autobiographical in numerous ways, Eyes that Kiss in the Corners is a story of celebrating diversity. A young Asian girl becomes aware that her eyes look different from her friends’, but realizing they are just as beautiful as her mother’s, her grandmother’s, and little sister’s, a powerful strength and discovery emerges. “I love the page where she says her eyes are a revolution. There is so much symbolism in the image. If you’ve read the book, did you notice the phoenix feathers behind her, or the different types of flowers found throughout the book behind her? This book isn’t just about self-acceptance or surface-level beauty. It’s about dismantling oppressive systems and stepping into power. This is the page where that all comes together and one that can generate a lot of beautiful discussion for people of all ages.”

After a solid year and a half of submitting her manuscript and receiving rejections, Eyes that Kiss in the Corners was picked up for publication, and illustrator Dung Ho was assigned to create the illustrations. Joanna was thrilled! It felt very synchronistic. “I didn’t have contact with Dung when she was illustrating the book. Once or twice I’d see drafts and message her on IG mostly just squealing with delight over her beautiful work. I feel so fortunate and grateful that I got to work with her and see her bring my words into life. One fun fact is that she had some artwork in a gallery in Taipei, Taiwan a few years ago and I happened to be in Taiwan with my family during that time period, so I got to go and see some of her work on display. We were also able to do a joint interview together earlier this year through the Kweli Conference. It was a really powerful experience; we had to coordinate across time zones in California, New York, Nigeria, and Vietnam. It was amazing to hear her thought process about creating these beautiful pages!”

Taiwan has been just one of Joanna’s travel destinations, and she hopes to have many more global adventures. “I LOVE to travel. There are so many places I haven’t been yet that I’d like to see. Off the top of my head: South Africa, Cambodia, New Zealand, Australia, Morocco, Mexico. I could go on and on. I take my kids on all my adventures because it’s important to me that they see and experience the world. My secret dream is to homeschool them for a year or two and travel the world on an amazing experiential, project-based learning journey together.”

“This book isn’t just about self-acceptance or surface-level beauty. It’s about dismantling oppressive systems and stepping into power. This is the page where that all comes together and one that can generate a lot of beautiful discussion for people of all ages.”

Homeschooling may mean creating a writing space, something she doesn’t have in her house right now. “I don’t have a work desk at home, so my writing usually happens between my kitchen table, my couch, or my bed. I used to write every morning before my kids woke up, but because of the pandemic and this wild working/mommying/juggling schedule I have, I write on the weekends when my kids are with their dad. I lock myself in my house with a lot of yummy food (there’s a theme here) and am a hermit all weekend with my computer. I love having the space to dive deep into something for long periods of time, but now that the world is slowly opening again, I’m realizing I actually do really like seeing other people, too. So, it will be interesting to see how my writing habits evolve.”

Joanna writes in a lyrical style, and I’m not surprised when she names Jacqueline Woodson, Margarita Engle, and Kwame Alexander as authors who have influenced her own work. “I love the lyricism and honesty in their stories.”

She’s applied that same passion and poetic flair to her upcoming autumn release, Playing at the Border: A Story of Yo-Yo Ma. Joanna says, “My mom is really into classical music and she used to blast Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach’s cello suites early Saturday mornings when she wanted me and my brother to get out of bed. I used to hate it! But, over the years, I’ve grown to love this music so much, not only because it’s incredibly beautiful, but also because it reminds me of my mom. I saw a newspaper article about Yo-Yo Ma playing at the border of Mexico and Texas to send a message about building bridges not walls, and I knew I had to write the story. It was one way I could share my voice about family separation and other atrocities happening at the border. The more I researched, the more I learned what an inspiring human being Yo-Yo Ma truly is! He does so much good in the world. Recently, he brought his cello to get his second vaccine and played an impromptu concert during the 15-minute waiting period after the shot. He is always trying to bring light to the world.”

“I have so many stories in my mind but not a lot of time to dive into them. I am not someone who works on multiple projects at a time; I like to finish one thing before starting or working on another. My brain doesn’t like to switch back and forth. I’m working on a middle grade, I have ideas for chapter books inspired by my daughter, and lots of picture books I’d love to write. One day, I’d love to write a magical realist story like When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller. I don’t think I have the skills for that yet. Maybe one day!”

When I ask what she most looks forward to these days, Joanna is quick and sincere as she says, “Time with my kids. Sleep. Those are my first two answers; this pandemic has been so hard on a global and personal level. But the truth is I have so much to look forward to each week: time with family, park play dates with close friends, weekends for play or rest or writing, summer vacation, travel (one day), eating good food.”

We circle back to today’s social climate, the theme of diversity and children. “The idea of looking different implies that there is a norm—and this typically refers to a norm of whiteness. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) children don’t look different, they look like themselves, like their ancestors and their histories and their cultures. I want to reinforce the message that they should be proud of who they are and where they’re from and who they’re from. People treat them differently because we live in a society defined and circumscribed by standards of whiteness; where whiteness is the unspoken but very obvious norm, and they have the power to change this perception.”

“We should ask the questions. Why are there situations where children treat other children differently? Why do they think one person is different while others are “normal”? We need to question how we, as adults, perpetuate this mindset.”

With a comforting gesture, Joanna offers the world a cup of inspirational tea to share. “Boba. My favorite flavors are the non-caffeinated Hong Kong Style Black Milk tea from Boba Guys and the Black Sugar Pearl Milk with cream mousse from Tiger Sugar. It’s just a cup of uplifting joy I think we could all use right now.”

Subsequently, when I say, “If eyes are windows to the soul, then….” Joanna chuckles. “My tummy is the way to my heart!”



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